Films Retrospect 2006Total tally for films watched in 2006 stands at 28 in theatres and 96 on dvds, making that 124 in all (
Click here to see the entire list ), down from 178 in 2005. This decline is largely due to a full 5 month hiatus from summer as I got bogged down by my film project and job search. Here are my top 10 favourite films viewed in 2006, in no particular merit.
1)Pride and Prejudice (Joe Wright)
2)Munich (Spielberg)
3)Children of Men (Alphonso Cuaron)
4)Proof (John Madden)
5)Crash (Paul Haggis)
6)The Constant Gardener (Fernando Meirelles)
7)Wallace and Gromit : Curse of the Wererabbit (Steve Box/Nick Park)
8)Planet Earth (Documentary, David Attenborough)
9)Paprika (Kon Satoshi)
X)Matchpoint (Woody Allen)It is regrettable my access to the latest films are always at least 4 to 6 months behind the living world due to Japan's inexplicable slow release system, which I am more than resigned to having been here for almost 3 years. Notably Korean and Japanese films are missing from my favourites as there hadn't been any winners like Tony Takitani last year. I hope to catch The Host soon. A few other notable films I enjoyed were
Lord of War by Andrew Niccol, I've been his fan ever since Gattaca;
Team America World Police, Jarhead, and
A History of Violence. I think the worst film of 2006 had got to be
With that, here's to a bountiful year ahead for film watching !