With the bulk of work for Freedom 3 completed there is finally some time to catch my breath before the rush sets in again when Freedom's TV commercial postpro starts, and not till that is finished may I, there are rumours abound, get a week off work. I think I'm just going to sprout wings and fly straight out of the studio when that actually happens.
Anyway. I was fairly thrilled yesterday to recieve Abe-san's signature on my Jinroh Boxset ( see pic below ) ; its always been one of my favourite animation films since watching it a full 8 years ago at the Singapore Film Festival. Abe-san, who was previously from IG and had also worked on GITS SAC, commented she too was a newbie when she joined Jinroh's production. ( she's now the colour designer for Freedom project. )

Outside work I also finished my 2 year film school at Toho Gakuen, here's a photo at the graduation ceremony with my classmate from Shanghai, ( he tells me the animation studio that made Monkey God and Nezha is just right behind his house, s**t. ) we had quite a time shooting our graduation film together. See
this post.

That's all the updates for now I think. Its spring in Tokyo. I need a break !