Monday, August 06, 2001

But of course I will get past Rukh! Impetuous as he may be when he planted that knife *sob* in Thrawnie's back *SOB!*, he will show more prudence when dealing with me, most assuredly. With one sniff on my outstretched hand, the comfirmation will only overwhelm him, send him on his knees with his steel gray arms splayed before him. For he recognizes the unmistakeable scent of the "Aunsul'yurei'shuk" (pronounceable only in the noghri tongue), the royal concubine of the much venerated Lord Darth Vader. AHhAHhahHAhahAhhahAHha!!! And with an imperious wave of a hand, I will command his obliging retreat to the shadows...
And before I proceed, I will make sure my satin gown is sheer enuff, and the chiffon veil nicely shrouded my face. The door leading to Thrawn's personal chambers slid opened with a hiss. A strange conceited smile touched my lips, and as I lifted my chin regally I strode in boldly to face him..........

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